The Heart of Giving

Read: 2 Corinthians 9:7 A few years back I got a call from a family in desperate need. Their mother had fallen seriously ill, and they lived far out in the country. They were worried I wouldn’t make the drive, but I assured them I’d be there. I met with their mother...

Giving Reflects God’s Character

Read: Romans 8:32 I have a friend who is an excellent gift giver. What makes him so good at it isn’t just his generosity—it’s his mindfulness. Somehow, he remembers the little things I mention in passing, like something I liked or wanted. Recently, he surprised me...

God’s Provision Is Personal

Read: Matthew 6:31-33 I am a planner: budgets, schedules, and contingency plans for every scenario. It’s probably because I have anxiety, but I believe that if I can control everything, I’ll feel secure. Most of the time, it’s helpful—until life happens. Just last...

Humility Through Giving

Read: Deuteronomy 8:17-18 As a young adult, whenever I experienced success, it was easy for me to think, I earned this. I put in the time, the late nights, and the extra effort. It felt like the achievement was mine alone. But something changed when I stepped into...

God Is a Giver

Read: James 1:17 I never really understood what the big deal about Christmas was. Sure, it was fun as a kid—presents, candy, and time off from school—but it wasn’t something our family went all out for. As I grew older, the excitement wore off, and Christmas became...

Empowered by the Spirit

Read: Acts 1:8 I’ve been a pastor for a long time, and there are still moments when I feel nervous about sharing the gospel. I think this is a common experience for many believers. You’re around someone, and suddenly you feel that nudge—an unmistakable prompting to...