Daily Devotionals

God’s Grace Overcomes Judgment

Read: John 3:17, 2 Peter 3:9 Even as a kid, I had a strong sense of justice—at least, what I thought justice should look like. What I didn’t have was the wisdom or life experience my parents had. Naturally, our ideas of right and wrong didn’t always line up. I’d be...

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God’s Heart is Compassionate

Read: John 11:35, Psalm 34:18 Last week, I lost a good friend—someone who was more like family. I’ve always been a little trepidatious about stepping into moments of loss, worried I might say the wrong thing and make things worse. But this time, I was the one who was...

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God is Relational

Read: John 15:15 The stats are undeniable: if you want to live a long and healthy life, strong relationships are key. Studies repeatedly show that people with meaningful connections experience lower stress levels, better mental health, and even greater longevity. Our...

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The Humility to Receive

Read: John 13:8, Matthew 18:4 Have you ever gone out to eat with friends and had that awkward moment when the check arrives? One of your friends grabs it and says, “I’ve got this,” and suddenly you’re scrambling to respond, “No, let me get it!” What follows is a...

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The Security of God’s Love

Read: 1 John 12:12-13, Romans 8:38-39 Since I work as the online pastor at my church, I’m keenly aware of the need for strong passwords. You wouldn’t believe how often I get notifications about someone trying to log into our accounts. Imagine the damage someone could...

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