Serve With Us

At c|Life, we place a huge emphasis on service. We demonstrate our love for others and our love for God by serving in our communities and in our local church. Everyone has something they can do to impact the lives of others in the kingdom of God. Every person is gifted in some area, and every task is important. That’s where the Dream Team comes in.

What’s the Dream Team?

We consider anyone who serves others in the name of Christ as a representative of Community Life Church a member of the Dream Team.


How do I join the Dream Team?
Joining the Dream Team is now a built-in part of our Growth Track, which you can learn more about here: c|Life Growth Track
What do Dream Teamers do?

You can find many of our Dream Team positions listed below, but the list is always growing and changing. Who knows? You may go through our Growth Track and learn that you have gifts, talents or passions that could inspire us to create a whole new role on the Dream Team just for you!

Dream Team Positions

Community Group Hosts

We are trained to facilitate Community Groups and equipped to build relationships while helping group members discover their next steps.

Requires background check

Creative Team

Our team uses photography, writing, video production, visual arts, social media and more to serve as c|Life’s arts and communications ministry.

Dream Team Hosts

Our team hosts our Dream Team members in Dream Team Central by providing food and encouragement during services and special events.

Events Team

Our team serves at conferences and church-wide events by setting up decorations and facilitating meals and snacks.

GroWth Track Hosts

Our team serves as the hosts of the Growth Track, greeting guests and providing materials and assistance to those discovering their next steps at c|Life.

Hospitality Team

Our team brings a personal touch to our worship experiences by hosting throughout the campus, serving in roles such as donut/coffee bar hosts, door greeters, parking lot greeters and worship center hosts.

KidsMin Check-In Team

Our team facilitates the check-in process in our KidsMin area to ensure children are cared for effectively and efficiently.

Requires background check, ages 18+

KidsMin Team

Our team invests in the lives of our children through worship, biblical teaching, videos, kids’ Community Groups, and games.

Requires background check

Resource Team

Our team enhances the worship experience by preparing worship guides, communion elements, and providing other products or materials.

Valuable Team

Our team serves children with special needs, providing specific and intentional care.

Requires background check, ages 18+

Worship Team

Our team facilitates a powerful worship experience through music and other technical roles, such as audio engineers, audio/visual support, instrumentalists, vocalists and stage design/setup.

YTH Team

Our team helps students get connected to our youth ministry through serving at Momentum services, in Community Groups, and at retreats, conferences, and other events.

Requires background check