The Power of Presence

Read: Psalm 16:11, Matthew 28:20 Some of my favorite TikToks right now are the “Showing up matters” videos. In these clips, a family member sits in the audience filming, and it highlights the moment when a child spots their parent in the crowd. The child’s entire...

Abiding in Christ Daily

Read: John 15:4-5, Colossians 3:16 I love technology. I grew up watching shows like The Jetsons and Star Trek, and I couldn’t wait to have a flying car, a replicator to cook my dinner, and a computer to turn on my lights and manage my household. So we got the...

The Role of the Holy Spirit

Read: John 14:16-17, Romans 8:26-27 I was very fortunate in my early twenties to have a group of close friends to live life with. We were all new to San Antonio, and we were all on our own for the first time. We got to become adults together. We shared life together;...

The Transformation of Identity

Read: 2 Corinthians 5:17, Ephesians 4:22-24 Identity transformation is a powerful experience. Maybe for you, it was the day you found out you were going to be a parent—one of the greatest identity transformations you ever experienced. Your life forever changed, yet...

The Invitation to Abide

Read: John 15:4-5, Psalm 91:1-2 For years, every summer, I biked the Virginia Creeper Trail. I loved everything about it: the beauty, the smell, the sounds, and the feel of cool forest air against my skin as my bike raced down a fifteen-mile trail of an abandoned...

The Call to Follow

Read: Mark 1:16-20, John 12:26 There are very few invitations that are life-changing and full of joy. Waiting for that college acceptance letter. When the love of your life drops to their knee and pulls out a ring. When they say yes! So much anticipation, so much joy,...