Read: John 14:16-17, Romans 8:26-27
I was very fortunate in my early twenties to have a group of close friends to live life with. We were all new to San Antonio, and we were all on our own for the first time. We got to become adults together. We shared life together; whatever one of us was going through, we were all going through. It was like a miracle that we all found each other at just the right time. And then, we grew up, and God called us all to different places. Those were days that I will be forever grateful for. Did you have an experience like that?
I often wonder if that was what it was like for the disciples. A group of young men called by Christ, living life together, all the while learning from Jesus everything they would need to know. And, of course, just like for us, things for them would change too. Imagine the disciples’ shock when Jesus told them He was going away. They had spent years walking with Him, learning from Him, and now He was leaving? Yet, Jesus assured them that it was to their advantage that He goes away because He would send the Holy Spirit, another Helper, to be with them forever.
The Holy Spirit plays a crucial role in our lives as believers. While Jesus is not physically present with us, the Holy Spirit dwells within us, guiding us, comforting us, and helping us live out the life of a disciple. The Spirit is our constant companion, interceding for us and helping us in our weaknesses.
Romans 8:26–27 emphasizes the Spirit’s role in our prayer life, interceding for us with groanings too deep for words. The Holy Spirit knows our hearts and aligns our prayers with God’s will. This intimate relationship with the Spirit enables us to stay connected to Jesus, even though He is not physically present.
Reflect on your relationship with the Holy Spirit. How aware are you of the Spirit’s presence in your life? Consider how you can rely more on the Holy Spirit’s guidance and strength as you seek to live out your faith.
Questions for Reflection:
- How do you experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in your daily life?
- In what ways can you become more attuned to the Spirit’s guidance?
- How can you rely on the Holy Spirit to help you in your weaknesses and align your life with God’s will?