Read: Psalm 16:11, Matthew 28:20
Some of my favorite TikToks right now are the “Showing up matters” videos. In these clips, a family member sits in the audience filming, and it highlights the moment when a child spots their parent in the crowd. The child’s entire demeanor lights up, knowing that someone is there for them. It gets me every time.
There is something powerful about presence. Whether it’s the comfort of a friend sitting with you in silence during a difficult time or the joy of being with loved ones during a celebration, presence has the ability to transform our experience. It’s not just about being physically there; it’s about the connection, the support, and the love that presence represents.
In Psalm 16:11, David writes that in God’s presence, there is fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore. This is not just about experiencing joy in eternity but about the joy we can experience right now when we live in the awareness of God’s presence. Jesus promises in Matthew 28:20 that He is with us always, to the end of the age. This promise assures us that no matter where we are or what we are going through, Jesus is with us.
The presence of God is not limited to certain places or times. It’s not just something we experience in church or during our quiet times. God’s presence is with us constantly, offering comfort, guidance, and strength. When we live with an awareness of His presence, it changes the way we approach life’s challenges and joys.
Reflect on how you experience the presence of God in your life. Are there moments when you sense His closeness more than others? Consider how you can cultivate a deeper awareness of His presence throughout your day, allowing His presence to bring you joy and peace in every circumstance.
Questions for Reflection:
- How do you currently experience the presence of God in your daily life?
- What practices help you become more aware of God’s presence?
- How can living with an awareness of God’s presence bring you more joy and peace?