God’s Justice and Mercy

Read: Romans 3:23-24 The ’80s were tough times for kids! In junior high, I had to walk to school, and as a result, I was often late for the first period. The punishment for being late was three swats administered by the vice principal. Even though I knew the...

The Weight of Eternity

Read: Luke 16:24-26 I once took a group of students to the Grand Canyon on a summer youth trip. The sheer magnitude of the canyon is mind-blowing, especially when you see the vast, impassable chasm stretching across the landscape. One student commented, “This looks...

The Urgency of the Gospel

Read: 2 Corinthians 6:1-2 One of the most frustrating experiences I’ve had was missing a connecting flight. Due to storms in Dallas, my first flight was delayed. When we finally landed, I had about 15 minutes to make my connecting flight. I felt confident, but I...

Why Does Hell Exist?

Read: 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9 In February 2021, my home state of Texas endured a massive blackout due to a snowstorm. It was miserable, and as days turned to weeks, the situation became more dire. I remember thinking to myself whether this was going to last forever,...

The Reality of Hell

Read: Matthew 7:13-14 When I was a kid, I remember playing video games with my friends, each of us trying to avoid the “Game Over” screen. We’d give it everything we had, knowing that once that screen appeared, there were no more chances—it was...

Freedom in Christ

Read: Galatians 5:1 Feeling trapped by your struggles is one of the worst feelings. I’ve been there. In those seasons, no matter how hard I try to break free, I feel stuck in a cycle I can’t escape. I read scriptures about freedom in Christ, but I can’t shake the...