Read: Luke 16:24-26
I once took a group of students to the Grand Canyon on a summer youth trip. The sheer magnitude of the canyon is mind-blowing, especially when you see the vast, impassable chasm stretching across the landscape. One student commented, “This looks fake, like it’s a green screen image or something.” It’s almost unimaginable. No human effort could bridge the gap; it’s far too vast. This awe-inspiring sight gives us a glimpse into the seriousness of eternity that Jesus illustrates in Luke 16. The story of the rich man and Lazarus is a sobering reminder of the finality and weight of our eternal choices.
In the passage, the rich man, now in hell, pleads for a moment of relief from his torment, but it’s too late. Abraham explains that a great chasm has been fixed—no one can cross from one side to the other. This story is not just about the rich man’s regret but about the unchangeable reality of eternity once our time on earth is done. There are no second chances after death. It’s a difficult truth, but one that Jesus doesn’t shy away from because of His deep love for us.
The rich man’s agony and desperate plea remind us that hell is not a myth or a metaphor; it is real. The choices we make in this life determine our eternal destination, and there will come a point when the opportunity to choose Jesus has passed. The chasm in the story represents the separation between heaven and hell—a separation between those who embraced God’s grace and those who rejected it. This separation is eternal, and there’s no way to bridge it once this life is over.
But here’s the beautiful truth: Jesus is the bridge for us now. While we are alive, God extends His grace to us through Jesus. We don’t have to face the agony of being separated from God for eternity. Jesus died and rose again to make a way for us to cross over from death to life, from separation to connection with God. The weight of eternity should not only humble us but also fill us with gratitude and urgency. We have been given the opportunity to receive God’s grace and share that gift with others while we still have time.
Reflection Questions:
- How does the story of the rich man and Lazarus affect the way you think about eternity?
- In what ways are you living in light of the eternal choices you make today?
- How can you offer the hope of Jesus to those who are spiritually separated from God, knowing He is the bridge across the great chasm?