God Had A Plan

So, I’ve got these four kids. The youngest is Rory. He LOVES Batman. His birthday is in February, which means he has to watch every other member of our family have their birthdays before his comes back around. For the last eight months, at least once every other...

Throw Off The Chains

I had a vision once. It was in black in white of a man on his knees, and his hands were shackled at the wrists with heavy chains. The only way to describe the look on his face was total defeat. As I was having this vision, I began to pray for the man. I prayed for...

The Value Of Worry

Have you met my son Ian? If not, please treat yourself to the picture I posted via Facebook on 9/18 of him with his very first ever set of graded assignments. He’s real cute. But he is also shortening my lifespan right now. We are currently in a season where his...

First Things

My son Ian is 6, and he just started first grade. We might have dropped the ball on teaching him how to tie his shoes for a while, because I’m the type of person who says, “Here, let me do it.” I already know how, so it’s faster and will stay...

No Longer Alone

In 5th grade, I went to new school where I knew no one. In 7th grade, a new church. I went to college without any friends, I came to c|Life Sunnyvale as an employee before making any new relationships, and I can think of about 20 other times when I felt like a...

He Meets You Where You Are

When I was 21, I wanted to apply for my first church job. I was super nervous. So nervous, in fact, that I send the youth minister an email from the other room and then left immediately. He told me later that he saw the email and yelled out, “No way we’re...