An Elevated Purpose (repost)

This devotional was originally published on March 28, 2017.I am the world’s biggest fan of the TV show, Parks and Recreation. I have seen every episode at least three times, I own every season, and am currently watching it on Netflix. I’m a go big or go home kinda...

We Are The Church

Did you grow up going to church regularly? Me too. If you didn’t, don’t worry. This story is still for you. I loved church. Something about each aspect drew me in. Senior Adult lunch on Wednesdays with my grandmother? Count me in. Sunday school, where I...

Supreme Value

Today is the big day. We’ve been hearing about it for months, longer if you’re into politics. Today we decide who will be the next president of the United States of America. Today feels important, the culmination of lots of build-up found on social media,...

Also in God’s Image

In chapter two of Genesis is the account of God creating Adam and placing him in the garden. The story goes on to describe how, out of all of God’s creation, there was nothing comparable to Adam. He stood distinct from every other thing God had made and, because...

Bad At Therapy

In 2011, I started going to therapy. Did you know you could be bad at therapy? Me neither, but I was. My therapist was so patient with me, poor guy. He would try these different techniques and at the end would ask me how I felt. The answer was always, “The...

What Desert Are You In?

I’ve been to the wilderness lately. Well, it was Palm Desert, which is basically a city full of country clubs, high-end stores and one cactus museum, but it is the desert. I was there in February, and I went swimming, because in the desert it never gets very...