Sun Tzu was a Chinese general and philosopher. Around 400BC, he wrote a book entitled The Art of War. Military officers still study it today because of its approach to attaining victory. The Art of War stresses the importance of preparation for battle. Sun Tzu emphasizes that what you do before the battle arises is most important.
Study everything before the battle: the climate, battle terrain, and your enemies’ movements. Tzu declares in his book that leaders who prepare like this “need not fear a thousand battles, for they win in advance.”
In scripture, we see an example of a man who operated in this way, and it led to his success. The word tells us a parable about a man who was going to build a house. He searched for a good spot in which to build, and made the good decision to build on a rock, where his home would have a good, solid foundation. A battle came his way. A storm blew in and attacked his house with wind and rain. But his house stood solidly through the storm. When the sun came out, his house still stood because of his actions before the storm ever arrived.
As we approach Easter, it is exciting to realize that we have the opportunity to “win in advance.” If you are a Christian and have accepted the grace and sacrifice that Jesus made for you on the cross, your victory is already secure. God, help us walk into the world each day with this confidence.
Sun Tzu put this thought into his book: “Victorious warriors win first — then go to war.”
As God’s people, we can walk into the days ahead with the confidence and knowledge that we are His people, and our victory is secure in His hands.
If you are not a Christian, you can make the decision to become a member of His family today. The “end” is coming for us all. You can make sure to win in advance by trusting Christ today.
If you need help or direction, reach out to one of our pastors, or email us at Don’t try to battle your way through the wars each day on your own. Win in advance.
Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57