Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.
— Psalms 1:1–2
So I’m sitting in an airplane right now, thinking about this devotional, and all of a sudden it hits me that I have absolutely no control over where this plane lands. I’ve chosen my carrier and my flight, the rest is in the hands of the pilot. I will pretty much arrive at the destination where he or she chooses to land this thing. I have chosen to align my destiny with the pilot’s.
With whom have you chosen to align your life? With whom have you yoked your destiny? Where is your designated peer group taking you?
Whenever I read the passage above, I am always struck by the progressive nature of destruction. At first I simply walk by the influence of the wicked, perhaps little more than a passing interest. Second, I actually stand and revel in the sinful patterns displayed in front of me, and finally I sit down and actually join those who scoff at individuals who have chosen the sacred path that God has so graciously offered to each of us.
I am concerned that, slowly but surely, we have relinquished control of our lives to current culture. We aren’t even sure who’s flying that plane but rest assured that the destination is destruction.
On the other hand, I want to walk in the way of the Lord. I want to delight in the path that he has laid out, and I want to be filled with, controlled by, continually under the influence of his Holy Spirit. There are many things that can control you, but only one thing does it without destroying you. Who is your pilot, and where will that pilot take you today?