The words we think form the person we become. The greatest determiner and deterrent in your life is often you! The truth is, most of us speak to ourselves in a manner that we would never use with our worst enemy. That is a huge problem for the believer! Words cut like daggers, phrases like:
“You are stupid.”
“You are worthless.”
“You are a bad parent.”
If I am honest with you, there have been people in my life that I have not agreed with and not been a huge fan of (this is the language of a pastor who can’t say that he hated someone), and yet I never once said to them,
“You are stupid.”
“You are worthless.”
“You are a bad parent.”
But somehow, I think these things to myself daily, and sometimes even verbalize them out loud. Why do I do that? Why can’t I recognize the power of words? The Bible tells us in Proverbs 18:21, “The tongue has power of life and death…”
Think about all the things we do to protect our lives: we eat healthy, we exercise, we visit the doctor regularly, we take medicine when there is a sign of sickness. We are constantly doing all we can to preserve our lives, yet the Bible says that our tongues have the power to kill.
The words we think form the person we become.
I have often wondered how many lives and dreams were stolen, not by an outside adversary but from within. What would happen if the believer started to think about themselves like God thought about them? What if they believed they were:
“fearfully and wonderfully made”
“a child of God”
“heir to the King”
I believe that replacing the lies of the Devil with the truth of God is the most important change we can make. This week, as you struggle with your inner monologue, take a second and remind yourself what God thinks about you! You are:
“fearfully and wonderfully made”
“a child of God”
“heir to the King”
I believe it will make all the difference in the world.