Read: 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17, John 5:28-29

As a kid, I hated going to bed. I always felt like sleep was a waste of time and that if I had to go to sleep, I would miss out on something awesome. As an adult, I know better! Naps are the best. Good sleep and good rest change everything. I love waking up waking up refreshed after a deep sleep, ready to face the day with new energy. The sunlight filters through the curtains, and you stretch, feeling rejuvenated and full of hope. I like to think that renewed strength and sense of possibility reflect just a small glimpse of the resurrection promise Paul describes to the Thessalonians.

Paul reassures the believers that the dead in Christ will rise first at the sound of the trumpet, followed by those who are alive. This resurrection is not just a spiritual concept but a physical reality, where our bodies will be transformed and reunited with our spirits to meet the Lord.

Jesus speaks of this resurrection in John 5, stating that all who are in their graves will hear His voice and rise—some to life and some to judgment. This promise underscores the significance of how we live our lives now, in anticipation of this future reality.

Reflect on the promise of resurrection and how it impacts your life today. How does this hope influence your decisions, relationships, and priorities? Let the certainty of this promise fill you with hope and motivate you to live faithfully.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does the promise of resurrection influence your daily life and decisions?
  2. In what ways can you live in anticipation of this future reality?
  3. How can you share the hope of resurrection with others?