Read: Matthew 16:24-25, Luke 14:27-30

The personality trait that gets me in trouble the most is that I am convinced I can do anything after watching a YouTube video about it. One day, I decided I should be able to make this little French cookie called a macaron. I assumed I would be good at it right away. After buying all the ingredients and equipment, it took me all of five minutes to discover I was in over my head. The precision and skill required were far beyond what I had anticipated, and I quickly realized I hadn’t truly considered the cost and effort involved.

Imagine deciding to build a house without considering the cost. You lay the foundation, start constructing, but halfway through, you run out of resources. It’s an embarrassing and costly mistake. Jesus uses this illustration to emphasize the importance of understanding the cost of discipleship.

Following Jesus requires self-denial and taking up our cross. This means that we must be willing to give up everything that hinders our relationship with Him. It’s a call to lose our life for His sake, which paradoxically is the way to truly find it. The cost of following Jesus is high, but the reward is infinitely greater.

Reflect on what it means to deny yourself and take up your cross daily. Are there things in your life that you are holding onto that keep you from fully following Jesus? Consider the cost of discipleship and the joy that comes from fully surrendering to Christ.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What does taking up your cross mean in your daily life?
  2. Are there things you need to surrender to follow Jesus more fully?
  3. How can understanding the cost of discipleship deepen your commitment to Christ?