Read: Deuteronomy 4:2, Revelation 22:18-19

Even as a middle-aged man, I still enjoy putting together LEGO models. My last project was a sports car with 1,458 pieces. Halfway through, I lost the booklet with all the build instructions! Without those instructions, completing the project would have been impossible. Thankfully, I was able to download a copy and finish the build.

Have you ever tried assembling something without following the instructions? It can be incredibly frustrating. Instructions provide a clear path to success, and when we ignore or alter them, things can quickly fall apart. In the same way, the Bible is God’s complete instruction for life. It is a closed canon, meaning nothing should be added or taken away from it.

The process of determining which books belong in the Bible was one of careful discernment and divine guidance. The early church fathers ensured that only writings inspired by God were included. This wasn’t a random selection but was based on criteria like apostolic authorship and alignment with the teachings of Jesus. The result is the Bible we have today, a reliable collection of sacred texts that guide our relationship with God.

When we approach the Bible, we can do so with confidence, knowing that nothing is missing and nothing unnecessary has been added. It is complete and sufficient for all matters of faith and life. We don’t need to search for new revelations or instructions outside of Scripture because God has already provided everything we need.

Reflection Questions:

  1. How does the idea of the Bible as a complete canon influence your view of its teachings?
  2. In what ways have you seen others attempt to “add” to or “subtract” from God’s Word?
  3. How can you grow in your understanding of the Bible’s structure and trustworthiness?