Sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things.
— Psalm 98:1
I will be honest with you. I am over 45. I know, many of you who see me at church each week are probably saying, “Wow, I thought Steve was younger than that.” But I am over 45 — way over.
I have been a Christian since I was 7. Over the years, God has led me into some opportunities to serve. As I look back, I realize that the things I feel called to do now are nothing like what I felt called to do when I was in my 20s. The first “job” I was asked to take was to teach a 6th grade boys’ Sunday school class. I enjoyed that, but I have not felt called to do that job again for a long time. I stopped doing that and started other things God allowed me to do. I would like to pause my devotional thought here to pray a special blessing on those who are called to teach 6th graders on Sunday!
Like many of you, I sang in the choir, worked with youth, helped organize church softball and baseball teams, etc. I felt called to start all of those things. I do not do any of those anymore, but I keep getting new things that come my way.
A few years ago, I attended some of the Power Lunches that Prestonwood Baptist Church holds each week. They had a buffet lunch for attendees, followed by a Biblical lesson on leadership. I enjoyed those events, but it is a long way over to Prestonwood, so a thought came to me. I believe it came from God. The call was: Why don’t you have an event like this in your community? Why not start one in Mesquite/Sunnyvale?
I was hesitant. What if we did one, and nobody came? So I decided to mention it to my son-in-law, Paul McDill, to see if he would help me with this new thing. He immediately said yes.
We had 28 people show up on the first Monday, and each week, God brought people together for our Fuel Luncheons. Paul and I shared the teaching, and God blessed that two-year effort. We do not do this anymore, but I thought about our Fuel Luncheons last week when a man who attended each week saw me at Jason’s Deli. He asked when we were starting Fuel up again. Another new start? I am not sure at this time.
Another new thing came into my life 11 years ago. Vicki and I were asked to help start a new church. I am glad to have been on this journey with you at clLife since then!
What is the next new thing? I am not sure. But, as God’s people, we should be looking forward to it with great anticipation.