May your unfailing love rest upon us, O lord, even as we put our hope in you.
— Psalm 33:22
King David had some serious questions in Psalm 77. Thankfully he found some answers and solutions that he shares with us in the same chapter.
His questions are serious. Has God forgotten me? Has He refused to listen to me? Is God mad at me? David’s earthly circumstances and his perception of God’s response led him to these questions.
We are not sure what David’s specific problems were in Psalm 77. They are not stated. But David is in a bad place. David did pray. That is good. But in verse 2, David shares this with us:
“My soul refused to be comforted.” Wow. That is an interesting verse and comment from the heart of Kind David. Early in this dilemma, was some comfort offered and sent from God that David missed and did not take advantage of? We do not know the answer to that, but the last half of Psalm 77 is much different than the first.
Verses 1 through 10 in Psalm 77 ask some tough questions. In verse 11 we seem to be invited to take a clear look at the answer:
“I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” David came to understand that his God was still present. His God was available to help and save him again, just as He had done many times in the past. David once again found peace and confidence in his God. It is good when you come to that truth and understanding.
If you do not have a personal relationship with Jesus and have not experienced His gift of grace and His help in time of need, take care of that issue today. In these uncertain times we all need the peace, confidence and power that can only come from Him.
But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge.
— Psalm 74: 28