Against you, you only have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight;
— Psalms 51:4
“If neither party is being hurt, then what’s the big deal?”
Have you ever heard this sentiment when talking about social issues surrounding morality?
When discussing issues of sin today, some people can’t understand why Christians would have a problem with something if both parties are enjoying themselves. The argument is that anything consensual shouldn’t be judged immoral. But is that what the Bible teaches?
Let’s look closer at the story of David and Bathsheba and see what parallels we can draw. King David finds himself in a compromising situation at home during the war. It was customary during this season for all males, especially the king, to be away, but David finds himself home alone. David notices Bathsheba, and rather than fleeing from temptation, he invites her over. Eventually, the two end up crossing several lines, and Bathsheba becomes pregnant. In the story, David and Bathsheba seem to be consensual. Nobody was opposed to the act at the moment, and it doesn’t appear forced. Some today would ask the question: What’s the big deal? Two consenting adults made a decision, and who are we to judge? But that wasn’t David’s response. Look at what he says in verse 4:
For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you and only you have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight.
— Psalm 51:3–4
David isn’t concerned with evil in his sight, but what is evil in God’s sight. That should be our focus. When discussing sin, the question of morality isn’t based on what I think, what others think, or even what the consensus thinks. Ultimately it is about what God thinks. Right versus wrong isn’t measured by a majority rule but by God’s wisdom. God’s words and his truth should guide our standard of right and wrong. The next time you find yourself in a discussion about morality, remember to refer back to God’s Word and his instructions.