Read: 1 Corinthians 11:1

For most of my childhood, I wanted to be Indiana Jones. It was the adventure for me. Solving problems and escaping booby traps, getting the treasure and the girl. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever outgrown it, I still use a satchel instead of a backpack or briefcase.

Heroes have a way of doing things that seem impossible to us, but in a way that inspires us to try. When we see what they do, we hope we have the strength to do it too. Can we confront the leaders who are wrong like Stephen in the book of Acts? Can we live sacrificially for the benefit of others like Mother Teresa? Can we stand up for what we know is right like Dietrich Bonhoeffer? Can we pray like our mothers, or give like our grandparents? Their lives serve as models for us to live our faith.

Paul encouraged the Thessalonians to imitate him as he imitated Christ. This idea of imitation is crucial in our spiritual development. Just as children learn by imitating their parents, we grow in our faith by following the examples of mature believers who model Christ-like behavior.

Imitating Christ involves adopting his attitudes, behaviors and love. It means living a life of humility, service and sacrificial love. By observing and learning from those who model Christ-like behavior, we can grow in our own spiritual maturity.

Reflect on the people who have influenced your spiritual journey and think about how you can be an example to others.

Questions for reflection:

  1. Who are the people in your life that you try to imitate in your walk with Christ?
  2. How can you intentionally follow their example?
  3. In what ways can you be a Christ-like example to others?