Read: Isaiah 30

“The Kingdom of God does not come in such a way as to be seen. No one will say, ‘Look, here it is!’ or, ‘There it is!’ because the Kingdom of Heaven is within you.”
— Luke 17:20–21 NLT

"Heaven is where Jesus is. There is no Heaven without Jesus.”
— Erwin McManus, Lead Pastor of Mosaic

When you hear someone say ‘Heaven,’ what do you usually think about? What comes to mind? Clouds? Babies with wings? Or that image from Michelangelo’s Sistine chapel with God and Adam gently connecting their fingers?

When we begin to look at the words of Jesus, we discover that his descriptions of Heaven are very different than what we’re usually taught. For instance, in Luke chapter 17, Jesus talks about the Kingdom of Heaven residing within us. How is this possible? How is Heaven already within us?

What Jesus is trying to show his disciples is that Heaven is not so much a physical place you go to when you die, but a dimension of reality that can begin here and now. It begins with Jesus. When you open up your life to Jesus you are opening up your life to a new reality, to Heaven here on Earth.

May you live with the awareness of that reality. May you come to understand that Jesus lives within you and that you carry Heaven wherever you go.

Is there anyone you can think of that could use a little Heaven in their life? Be that person for someone.

Pray what Jesus prayed. That God’s will would be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

We would like to thank Mosaic MSC for providing this plan.