But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not consider his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
— 1 Samuel 16:7
It’s easy to look at other people’s lives and feel they have it all together. You see them as healthier, younger, wealthier, and happier. You may take it a step further and think something is wrong with you because you are not as healthy, young, suitable, or happy as they are. What a tragedy that would be because exterior looks can be deceiving.
You know, God is not interested in our outward appearance or our position in life. He is not concerned with what others think of us. Instead, He looks at our hearts.
King David is a prime example of this truth. He was a young shepherd boy when God chose him to be king of Israel. He was not the tallest or strongest of his brothers and did not have a royal pedigree. But God saw something in David’s heart that made him the right choice to lead His people.
David’s heart was full of faith and trust in God, and that heart is what made him stand out. David’s reign was filled with trials and tribulations, but he always remained faithful to God. Despite his mistakes, David always sought after God’s heart, and He was a true leader and shepherd to his people.
We can learn from David’s example that it is not about our outward appearance or what others think of us but about the condition of our hearts. God wants us to have a heart that trusts in Him and seeks after Him. When we have a heart like that, we, too, can be anointed and used by God in powerful ways.
Dear Lord, Thank you for reminding us that You do not look at the things people look at, but You look at the heart. Please help us to have a heart that trusts in You and seeks after You. Give us the courage to be faithful, even when life gets hard, and help us to be true leaders and shepherds to others. In Jesus’s name, amen.