Read: Proverbs 29:25

The fear of man can manifest in various ways. It might look like compromising our values to fit in, remaining silent about our faith to avoid criticism, or making decisions based on what others might think rather than what God commands. Each of these scenarios leads to a “trap” – a place of spiritual compromise, anxiety, and ultimately, distance from God.

However, when we shift our focus and trust in the Lord, we find a profound sense of safety and security. Trusting God means anchoring our identity, decisions, and life direction in Him. It’s about seeking His approval above all else, aligning our lives with His Word, and relying on His wisdom and strength.

‘Safety’ in the Lord is not necessarily about physical protection or a life free from challenges. Rather, it’s about the security of being in God’s will, the peace that comes from walking in obedience, and the confidence of knowing we’re valued and loved by the Creator of the universe. It’s a safety that transcends circumstances, providing stability and hope even in the midst of life’s storms.

Reflection Questions:

  • Can you identify a situation where fear of man led you into a “trap”?
  • How can trust in the Lord provide a way out?
  • What does ‘safety’ in the Lord look like to you?