I remember making hour-long commutes to work, often seeing detours on the way. I don’t recall ever being relieved at detours. I would actually get a little annoyed because I was eager to get where I was going.To make matters worse, I was rarely familiar with the route the detours provided. As I consider the idea of a detour, I realize it should bring peace, relief, or comfort to know that the proper personnel has gone before me to discover a plan for me to strategically arrive at my desired destination. A detour’s only job is to create efficiency in the midst of disruption, continuing to push purpose when alternatives are needed.
So what do we do when God offers detours? Are we relieved when God intervenes in our present? Do we feel like we may be delayed or denied the opportunity we’re seeking? Or can we have peace about not arriving at our planned destination when we wanted to? While these are all great questions, I’m not sure that we are always ready for the answer. Not every disruption is an attack. Divine disruptions expose alternatives that may appease the kingdom more than our egos.
Why my soul are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God.
Psalm 42:11 NIV
This is why Jonah could praise God in the belly of a whale. He knew that that detour was a divine disruption. This is why David could praise God on a hot day in a pasture of sheep. He knew that that detour was divine disruption. Moses took off his shoes and sat in the presence of God while frantically running for his life. But what allowed Moses to sit in the present, although he was aggressively pursuing a future, was knowing that detour was divine disruption. This list could go on and on.
I’m sure there are even some disruptions we can look forward to in the new year to come. I wouldn’t consider that a bad thing because the Bible is clear when it encourages us to plan and have expectations. However, the conviction I received from this scripture is that when I’m adamant about what’s next, God is often miraculous with what’s now. Remember, detours are rarely comfortable, but they are always intentional. God the creator has gone before us and has a plan strategically for our lives so that he can get the glory. There may be bumps, potholes, or even roadblocks, but there’s still purpose in detours.