What’s Your View?

What’s your view? All of my life, I have been a Pollyanna. I have always been able to somehow see the good in things. As I have gotten older, I realize that my rose-colored view stems from something I have almost always had: hope. We all struggle. We all go...

God Never Changes

I believe God’s word is truth. I claim each and every one of God’s promises. I am a child of God. These three things alone should be enough to withstand any storm in my life, but I still sometimes allow fear and doubt to creep in. God, through it all, is...

We Need Relationship

When you think about the most celebrated moments in your life, who were you surrounded by? What about the rocky times, the real pits and crazy times of your life? Who was there? I am thankful that God’s promises are true and that, regardless of my circumstance,...

He Is Involved In The Details

No One Ever Cared For Me Like Jesus, His Eye Is On The Sparrow, Jesus Loves Me, He Loves Us, Reckless Love — these are just some of the songs that have continued to run through my mind and comfort my soul over the past few days. They are awesome reminders...

Struggling With Authority

“You not the boss of me!” The memory of my younger sister at around age 3 belting out this proclamation to my aunt is one that definitely makes me giggle. However, if I am being honest, there are many times in my life when I have responded the same way...

He Can. He Does. He Will.

He can. He does. He will. If you were to sit at my desk, these three statements are on an oversized note just to the right of my computer, reminding me of truths I know and claim. God goes before us, every moment of every single day. He is always there, fighting for...