Two Kinds of Sorrow

Thanksgiving is over, and Christmas is less than three weeks away. Signs of Christmas are all around us: Christmas music, movies, decorations and sales. It’s that time of year when everyone is in the Christmas spirit, or at least they’re pretending to be....

God’s Destination

With God, there is no such thing as a detour. He has ordained every day of our lives. Everything that comes to pass in his creation has been sovereignly and eternally decreed. He is moving all of history toward his eternal goal and his purposes cannot be thwarted....

No Such Thing As A Detour

It was funny to me when I found out that the topic of this week’s devotionals was Israel’s time in the wilderness, because I have recently been feeling like I have spent that last 20 years of my life in the wilderness. The people of Israel were well aware...

May It Never Be!

Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? ― Romans 6:1 NASB Those who were once dead in Adam and now alive in Christ — no longer objects of God’s wrath, but now objects of his grace and love — are they to view grace as a license to...

Wisdom To Some, Foolishness To Others

This week the sermon and all the devotionals are discussing the idea that direction, not intention, determines destination. Who can argue with this logic? Intentions are nothing more than thoughts, and can only propel us toward our destination if the body acts upon...