The Joy of Finding the Kingdom

Read: Matthew 13:44-46, Philippians 3:7-8 Before the pandemic, a group of friends and I decided that we would find the hidden treasure of Forrest Fenn. It had everything to make a great adventure, including a mysterious poem that had to be deciphered to find it. The...

The Cost of Following Jesus

Read: Matthew 16:24-25, Luke 14:27-30 The personality trait that gets me in trouble the most is that I am convinced I can do anything after watching a YouTube video about it. One day, I decided I should be able to make this little French cookie called a macaron. I...

Understanding True Discipleship

Read: Matthew 4:18-22, Luke 9:23-24 One thing that I have learned working online is that everyone has their own definition of everything. Even simple things that you would assume are not at all controversial can become controversial. Imagine trying to define what it...

Patience in the Process

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:14, James 5:7-8 Think about the patience required in farming. A farmer plants seeds, tends to the crops, and waits patiently for the harvest. This process cannot be rushed, and it requires trust in the natural growth cycle and in the provision...

Helping the Weak

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:14, Romans 15:1 When things are difficult, the temptation is to close ranks. We often feel embarrassed or judged because we are in a tough spot, and instead of reaching out for help, we isolate ourselves. This is a dangerous path. God never...

Encouraging the Fainthearted

Read: 1 Thessalonians 5:14, Isaiah 41:10 The time that faith matters the most is when you are struggling. Don’t get me wrong, I love to praise God when things are going exactly how I feel they should. But the times when the hope my faith gives me makes the most...