The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.
— Lamentations 3:22–23
The words of one of my favorite hymns and some of my favorite verses have been playing through my mind and over my heart for several days. It’s overwhelming and amazing that God has a plan for every step I take. He meets me where I am as I am. He couldn’t love me more or less. He knows my every thought and intention. He is fully aware when my attention will be diverted and might lead me to stray. Yet, his love remains unconditional, and his provision supplies my every need. The more I choose Jesus, leaning in and turning things over to him, the more I wonder why I ever look to anything else but him.
This time of year, I find myself reflecting and going down memory lane a lot. It’s pretty humbling and overwhelming to remember those moments in life when I didn’t have the answer, but God continually revealed and made known to me the solution, the path, the peace, the purpose. Often, he has met my needs with abundance before I was even aware I was lacking.
God is the best at everything. He is perfect! I know his ways are not my ways, but I do hope that the more I trust him, the more my dependence on the Lord grows, the more I seek and understand, the more I will be able just to rest in him and experience him.
We waste so much time wondering how things will work out and come together. I say I am patient, but I so often want the resolution or answer before I truly understand the problem, the question, or the need. I do love problem solving and have negotiated that God blessed me with a math mind to be able to figure things out many times, but when I lose sight of who is in control and take things into my own hands, things often become a bigger mess. I just need to stay the course. God always has a plan, and it is always better than mine.
Give us this day our daily bread. God, thank you for being everything. There isn’t a moment of my day, yet alone my life, that you haven’t gone before me. I do know that you are continually working for my good. You always know what is best for me and provide with that in mind. Jesus, help me to sit in and continually praise you for who you are. You give good gifts, and your provision is perfect. But God, more than the things of you, I want you. Lord, I know I am going to mess up. I know there will be times when the things I want won’t be best. Thank you for always being constant. Thank you for seeing my heart and always meeting my needs, whatever they may be. Continually make yourself known to me. I know you are fully aware of the needs in this world. Whether they be great or small, in someone I know or a total stranger, help me to speak your name to whatever you entrust my mind to know and heart to receive. Thank you for holding me close and allowing me the privilege of knowing you and being yours!