Read: Matthew 13:14-15
Like most people, I can let the things I’m stressed about distract me from the good things in life. Instead of enjoying coffee and conversation with friends, I find myself daydreaming about a frustrating conversation I had with a coworker. Instead of catching up on the latest episode of my favorite show, I’m staring at the screen while stressing about the unexpected $1,000 car repair. My body is present for the good things in life, but my heart and mind are stuck meditating on every bad thing.
One of the reasons we may feel distant from God is because our hearts have grown hard. Just as constant exposure to loud noises can dull our hearing, repeated sin, bitterness, and unconfessed hurt can create a barrier between us and God. Over time, if we ignore His voice, our hearts become calloused, and we stop hearing from Him altogether.
In our modern world, it’s easy to become numb. Social media, constant news, and personal struggles can desensitize us to the spiritual realities around us. But God desires for us to have open, soft hearts that are receptive to His voice. He is like a master potter, ready to mold and reshape us if we allow Him. If there is unconfessed sin or unforgiveness in your life, bring it to Him. Lay down your burdens and let Him heal and restore your heart so you can once again feel His presence. Sometimes the distance we feel is the result of our own resistance to God’s voice.
Remember, a hardened heart doesn’t happen overnight; it’s the result of gradually drifting away. But the good news is that God is always ready to receive us back, to soften our hearts, and to renew our spirits. All we need to do is take that first step toward Him.
Reflection Questions:
- Are there areas in your life where you’ve allowed your heart to harden toward God?
- What might be blocking you from fully experiencing God’s presence?
- How can you ask God to soften your heart and help you hear His voice again?