May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock, and my Redeemer.
— Psalm 19:14

I want you to think about when you were a child. What was the best thing that an adult ever said about you? What about the worst thing? Both memories have affected how you see yourself and interact in the world. The ironic thing is that those words that impacted you reveal more about the heart of the person who said them than they do about you.

This verse reminds us of the importance of the words we speak and the thoughts we meditate on. It’s not just about our actions or positions but also about what comes out of our mouths and what we choose to dwell on in our hearts.

We must make sure that the things we say and think align with God’s will and bring glory to His name. Our words and thoughts have power, and it’s crucial that we use that power for good.

It’s easy to speak or think negatively or to complain. Still, we are called to set a higher standard for ourselves as believers. To talk about life and to have pure thoughts that reflect the love of Christ.

This week we learned that anointing is not about our appearance or societal position. Ultimately it’s about aligning our hearts with God’s. Take the time to reflect on your thoughts and words and ensure they align with God’s will. When we take the time to make sure our hearts are correct, we will experience the fullness of God’s anointing in our lives.

Dear Lord, please help the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart to be pleasing in your sight. Give me the wisdom to align my thoughts and words with your will and bring glory to your name. Help me be mindful of what I say and think so that I may experience the fullness of your anointing in my life. In Jesus’s name, amen.