Read: Mark 1:16-20, John 12:26

There are very few invitations that are life-changing and full of joy. Waiting for that college acceptance letter. When the love of your life drops to their knee and pulls out a ring. When they say yes! So much anticipation, so much joy, and you know that after you accept that invitation, everything in your life will change.

When Jesus called Simon, Andrew, James, and John, He simply said, “Follow me.” Their response was immediate—they left their nets, their livelihood, and their families to follow Jesus. This call to follow is a call to a radical reorientation of life.

Jesus’ invitation to follow Him is not just about belief but about transformation. It’s about leaving behind the old ways and embracing a new life with Him. John 12:26 emphasizes that serving Jesus means following Him wherever He goes. This involves both commitment and action.

Reflect on your response to Jesus’ call to follow Him. Are there nets in your life that you need to leave behind? Consider how you can follow Jesus more closely, allowing His presence to transform your life.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What does following Jesus mean to you?
  2. Are there things you need to leave behind to follow Him more fully?
  3. How can you embrace the transformation that comes from following Jesus?