Kyle was born in the lovely state of Colorado, but moved to Garland as a pre-schooler and spent his growing-up years here in Texas. He was a regular church attender and became a follower of Jesus at the age of 10, but didn’t truly understand what that meant until he joined the Army, where he had to fully rely on God alone. Kyle attended a few colleges before he settled in at Golden Gate Theological Seminary and studied Christian ministry there. Kyle surrendered his life to ministry just after he met his soon-to-be wife, Amy, and a year and half later they were married. They now have three kiddos. Kyle joined the team at c|Life in December 2014 as the Children’s pastor at the Forney campus, and his prayer for the KidsMin is that parents and kids will draw closer to one another as they draw closer to the Lord. He has a strong passion for families and how impactful they are on their kids’ lives. In his off time, Kyle enjoys hanging out with family and friends, doing anything outdoors and building things. Kyle is always ready for a cup of coffee and a good conversation.