Read: Colossians 2:9-10

One of the hardest parts about being saved is accepting that you will never earn your salvation. This truth is a stumbling block for so many, even for those who have been in church for years. We know the language of grace; we talk about it often. And yet, many of us still wrestle with not feeling righteous enough. Deep down, we strive to impress God, as if we can work hard enough to prove we belong in His kingdom.

But salvation was never about our efforts. Paul’s words in Colossians 2 remind us of this powerful truth: “In Him, the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily, and you have been filled in Him.” In other words, everything we lack, Christ supplies. We don’t have to fill the gaps with performance, good works, or striving because Jesus has already completed the work.

The world constantly pushes us toward a performance-based identity—measuring our worth by our accomplishments, possessions, or others’ approval. But this mindset is exhausting, and it leads us away from the freedom God desires for us. True fulfillment comes from knowing we are filled in Christ. When we embrace this truth, we stop asking, “Am I enough?” and start declaring, “Christ is enough, and I am His.”

Living in this reality changes everything. It frees us from the relentless pressure to prove ourselves, either to others or to God. It invites us to rest in the assurance that our worth isn’t tied to what we achieve but to who Jesus is. His fullness is ours, and that is more than enough.

Reflection Questions:

  1. What areas of your life do you feel the need to prove yourself?
  2. How can you lean into the fullness that comes from being in Christ?
  3. How does knowing Christ’s completeness encourage you today?