Change Scares The Comfortable

Today, New Year’s day, I sat in a long line of traffic on the Autobahn, at the border of Austria and Germany, waiting to be interrogated by German police officers regarding my citizenship status. I knew I would be experiencing firsts this year, but this I did...


I’ve been counting candles for three days. Thousands of candles. There is white wax smeared into my carpet and peppering my cat, who insists on sleeping under my feet. Why, you ask? Because, it’s my second choice. God does funny things. My first choice was...

You Have To Start

When I first came to Christ and was brought to my knees about 10 years ago, I received a clear message from the Lord: “Stop.” I was so broken and so devastated by the inner consequences of my way of living that I was ready. “Yes, Lord. I will stop....

Seek God First, Then Seek Others

In the book of Mark, it is said that a scribe was listening to disputes between Jesus and those standing around him. When he saw that Jesus was answering the disputes well, he was led to ask Jesus a question himself. The scribe asked what the greatest commandment of...

Distracted Much?

At 6:39 p.m., during a small party with friends, I got this text: “Hi, Becca. My list shows you as my writer for tonight’s devo. Is that still the case?” D’oh!! Generally, these devotionals are due at noon the day before they are published. Not...

That Is the Church

What then, brothers? When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation. Let all things be done for building up. — 1 Corinthians 14:26 Have you ever had a weird day? I mean like weird, weird? The kind of day where...