Let Him Use You

Sunday was incredible. I have experienced a great deal of life change in the last 10 days — I bought a house, moved, and started a new job — but my favorite part of it all was Sunday! I attended the celebration service at the Sunnyvale campus, where over...

America, Home of the Free

I recently returned from spending three weeks in Asia. A few days after I got home I came across the verses below. It was intriguing to me to read Paul’s words in light of what I’d just experienced. For we do not want you to be unaware brothers, of the...

This is not a Test

Have you ever seen a monkey-face orchid? If not, stop reading here and go look it up. Seriously, stop and Google it. I’ll wait. OK, now that you’ve seen it, is this not the most amazing, hilarious, crazy flower ever? Here’s the deal: the monkey-face...

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday. I have always found the name somewhat ironic. It was on this day, nearly 2,000 years ago, that Jesus was beaten beyond recognition, forced to carry his own cross until he could carry it no further, and was murdered on that cross while wearing a...

Be Free!

I have been a Christian since a very young age, but for many years I believed that I was not defined by God’s love for me, but rather by the sin in my life. This false thinking led me to live a life of guilt and shame, causing my relationship with God to often...