Caring Like Marriage Is A Covenant

Better is open rebuke than hidden love. Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.— Proverbs 27:5-6 As believers, we are called to love in the way that Christ has loved us, sacrificially and honestly. And I wonder, how many of us have...

Practice (repost)

This devotional was originally published on February 1, 2019. Plant a thought and reap a word; plant a word and reap an action; plant an action and reap a habit; plant a habit and reap a character; plant a character and reap a destiny. — Episcopal bishop John...

All Of Me

My son gives fantastic hugs. I think this is an exceptional quality in a high school guy, but it’s true. What I like about his hugs is that they aren’t lightning-quick. Instead, he hugs me long enough to slow me down. After a hug like that, I feel more...

Great Joy

Great joy: two short words that really pack a punch! I typically conceptualize joy as a deep, abiding force that remains constant despite my circumstances. Whether things are going fairly well, or my life has really tanked, joy is an underground spring that supports...

The Secret of the Easy Yoke

“To depart from righteousness is to choose a life of crushing burdens, failures, and disappointments, a life caught in the toils of endless problems that are never resolved. Here is the source of that unending soap opera, that sometimes horror show known as...

Who Deserves My Hope?

“Hope” is the thing with feathers – That perches in the soul – And sings the tune without the words – And never stops – at all – And sweetest – in the Gale – is heard – And sore must be the storm – That...