Alive in Christ

Thinking back across my life, I cannot think of a time when my mind was free from thoughts of the need to get things right. My anxieties stem from the lack of meeting my own standards. I constantly replay life’s events, trying to figure out how I could have...

Missing the (Hall)Mark

I love Hallmark Christmas movies with all of their cheesy holiday joy. In every frame of each movie, the creators make sure to include some aspect of holly jolly cheer. While the lights may sparkle on the television screen, I can’t say that real life meets the...

Beauty in the Effort

The Israelites spent 40 years eating manna and never having to work the land or gather the harvest. Upon stepping into the promised land that flowed with milk and honey, this all changed. Yes, the land was fertile and rich, which would heed bountiful crops, but bounty...

Through Christ

I love the feeling of scaling the side of a rock and making it all the way to the top. I love the feeling of hitting my stride when I am running. I love to push into a yoga pose that I have been trying to get for a couple of weeks. I don’t, however, love the...

Finding the Joy in Difficulty

Our world is filled with death, disease, disasters and evil. The consequences of this brokenness are pain and suffering. The world doesn’t give preference to people who are righteous, and Job is an example of this truth. In Job 1:1, we find out that Job was...


Each day is a new opportunity to align our direction with our intention. The prophet Jeremiah says in Lamentations: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. —...