I’m sure that you can relate: you snap out of a daze and look around, only to realize that you’ve just driven from point A to point B without even noticing it. It’s not because you weren’t conscious or unaware. It’s because it felt so routine that you barely had to put any thought into it. Kind of scary, isn’t it? That we can rush through life and go through the motions with little or no awareness of what is happening all around us? The same thing can easily happen if we aren’t in tune with our spiritual eyes.
I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the confident hope he has given to those he called—his holy people who are his rich and glorious inheritance.
— Ephesians 1:18 NLT
When we become Christians, we are given a new set of eyes — spiritual eyes. With these, we are able to see God’s hand at work all around us. We can see him working in us and in the lives of others every day. But just because we are given a new set of eyes does not mean that we use them to their full potential.
I think it’s safe to say that our eyes are one of our most-used organs. The only problem is that our eyes can only see the physical world around us. Without the Holy Spirit, we are robbed of the power to see the spiritual realm. As valuable as our physical eyesight is, our spiritual eyesight has even more value. Unfortunately, many Christians have trouble seeing with their spiritual eyes. Similar to a newborn baby who can only see a few inches in front his or her face, Christians have to grow into this new set of eyes.
Coincidence, fate, luck, chance — these are all words we so often hear non-believers use when out of the ordinary things happen. In fact, even believers use these words sometimes. But those who see with spiritual eyes know that there is no such thing as a coincidence, only God’s providence.
The more we dive into God’s Word, spend time growing in him, seeking him and worshipping him, the better our vision becomes. The small things suddenly become big things. He opens our eyes and allows us to see the beauty and the glory all around us. As we gain spiritual wisdom, we gain spiritual vision. Open your heart, and he will open your eyes.