Read Psalm 90:1-12.
Eternality means that God has no beginning, end, or succession of moments. He sees all time equally and vividly, yet God sees events in time, and he acts in time.
To better understand this, you also need to know that God is sufficient in himself and is independent of everything outside himself. The big word for that is aseity. While creation is entirely dependent on God, God needs nothing from creation. Just like God created the fruit on trees that he does not eat, He created time and is unaffected by it. To him, it is just part of creation. His aseity means that he can interact with creation without being compromised by it.
Eternality is God’s aseity in relationship to time. Because he is creator, and time is creation, He transcends time in that:
- He has no beginning or end.
- He does not change.
- He is equally conscious of past, present, and future.
- He is not limited by the passing of time in what he can accomplish.
Here is why this matters: Though God does not need the world or anything in it, he freely enters his creation and freely brings blessings and judgments upon his creatures. So when he saves his people from their sins through Jesus Christ, he is not seeking to meet some need in himself. He is able to step into creation and remain righteous. When Scripture says that salvation is by grace alone (Ephesians 2:8–9), it testifies that God saves, not to meet a need in himself, but entirely to meet ours.
His eternality is what allows him to interact with humanity at the perfect time. It allows him to intervene in your life in the perfect way, to work for your good.
Today, think about how you have experienced this in your life.