Sit quietly and relax. As you arrive for prayer today, become aware of the space around you. Close your eyes and listen to the familiar sounds around you.
Listen to the attributes we discussed as we talked about Jesus this week:
- Jesus is our reconciliation.
- Jesus is our mediator.
- Jesus is our redeemer.
- Jesus is the truth.
Of all of these attributes, which of these do you feel the most thankful for? Why?
Take a moment and thank God for that truth, and tell him what it means to you.
Of all these attributes, what do you need to experience more in your life? Ask God to make himself known to you in that way.
As we close our time of prayer, look to the week ahead. What do you need from God to feel confident moving forward?
We thank you, Jesus, for being our mediator, redeemer, and friend. You guarantee that we are never separated from God and never alone. This week helps us live confidently because of what we have done. In your name, we pray, Amen.