Most people understand that when one enters into a relationship with Jesus, there are some behaviors and actions that need to change. But that may be putting the cart before the horse a little bit.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.
— Romans 12:2
Yes, when you enter into a relationship with Jesus, your actions and behaviors should be changed. We are commanded to “be transformed.” But I think Romans 12:2 is giving us an important insight. Before transformation of actions and behaviors can happen, there must be renewal of the mind. Said a different way, if you want to change how you act, change how you think. You can’t go on thinking all of your same old, dysfunctional, toxic thoughts and expect your life to be magically transformed. That’s not how it works! When renewal of the mind happens, that’s when life transformation will happen.
Are you impulsive? Addicted? Angry? (Insert your dysfunction here)?
God can change how you think, and as your mind is renewed, you will notice the transformation of your life.
No matter where you find yourself, don’t lose hope! God can transform any life. And he’s going to start in your mind.