If you don’t know me, I’m one who likes to be in control. I have expectations, and I feel like I am the only one who can do the necessary steps to reach that level of expectation. When I have to release that control to someone or something else, I worry. I feel like the term “worry wart” was made just for me. My mom more often refers to me by that name that my actual name — that’s how I know it’s a problem. If you don’t struggle with worrying or stress, I’ll be at the Sunnyvale campus every Sunday and Wednesday waiting for you. Seriously, please help me out.
The thing about my worry — which leads to stress, which leads to anxiety (and usually does a full roundabout) — is that it was never meant to be that way. God never intended for us to be in control. He never meant for us to take on the burden of being able to affect everything with our choices. It’s much better to just let God do what God does. Realize that I said better, not easier. If you’re like me, it’s difficult to let go of circumstances or situations because you feel like you can best restore them or best complete them with your own strength and capabilities. Can I let you in on a little secret? You can’t. To put it simply, you cannot outperform God. He did create the entire universe, you know.
Have you ever looked at Scripture and felt like it was directed right at you? Furthermore, have you ever read Scripture and felt like God was taking a jab at your inadequacy? I have. And when I find myself in this cycle of worry, I think to Matthew 6 (which you’ll find is very similar to Luke 12):
“So don’t worry about these things, saying, ‘What will we eat? What will we drink? What will we wear?’ These things dominate the thoughts of unbelievers, but your heavenly Father already knows all your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.
— Matthew 6:31–33
I read this and feel like God just hit me in the face with wisdom. He says not to worry, for your heavenly Father knows your needs, and even more so, he will provide for you.
David Griffin had a great illustration for this on Sunday at the Sunnyvale campus. He had a rope tied to a part of the stage (the rope represented our life) and was slowly making his was to the end of the rope. He said that we have a tendency to have a death grip on that rope, for if we let go, everything will fall apart. Here’s the kicker though: if we hold on and don’t give God control, God can’t show you his faithfulness. If we let go, which is much easier said than done, God can (and will) provide, God can (and will) go to battle on your behalf, God can (and will) be God. We can’t know if he will be faithful to us until we give him that opportunity. Don’t be a worry wart, let God be God.