Read: Habakkuk 3:2
Throughout the Word, we are presented with the principle of remembering the good things God has done and the miracles He has manifested to those who love Him. Remembering His works should not only be a “looking back” but also a “recounting of”: an action of rehearsing, repeating, and sharing the story with others. Put simply, when we rehearse what God has done, we will not forget it!
As we share the stories of what God has done for us, the next generation will be stirred with faith and desire a move of God in their day. The power of our testimony is not necessarily the stories we tell about other people but the stories we tell about what God did for us. When we tell stories about our encounter with a living and powerful God, it sparks faith in the hearts of those who are still waiting on the experience of that power for themselves. Telling your personal story of how God has shown up in your life is powerful. It lets others know, “If He did it for me, He can do it for you,” and “If He did it before, He can do it again!”
We would like to thank Pastor Dave Patterson and The Father’s House for providing this plan.