Everything changed when Jesus rose from that grave. The birth, the life, and the death of Jesus do not carry the same meaning without the resurrection. Because Jesus was victorious over death, we can now have relationship with our creator.
Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
— Romans 5:1–2
Jesus took on death so that we can have peace with our creator. God is justice and love. We often view justice and love as counterparts, but we find both equally existing in God. If God is always both of these things, then how can he have relationship with and be at peace with a fallen humanity? This is where the death and resurrection of a perfect Jesus gives us hope. Through his conquering of the grave, we were given life with God. Jesus paid our debt so that we can be at peace with God. We can be seen as perfect through the death and life of Jesus. He went to the Father on our behalf.
Because of Jesus, we have hope in peace with our creator.
Because of Jesus, we have hope of a pardon.
Because of Jesus, we have hope of victory.
Because of Jesus, we have hope of glory.
So have hope today, no matter your situation, because our hope is not built upon the way we feel today. Our hope is not built upon our emotions tomorrow. Our hope relies upon what Jesus has done. Our hope relies on the death and life of Jesus Christ. Jesus was born into a manger so that 33 years later, he could put death in its grave. Today, because Jesus defeated death,
Peace has a name.
Love has a name.
Joy has a name.
Victory has a name.
Hope has a name.
And that name is Jesus.