“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”
— John 14:27

When Jesus came to earth almost 2,000 years ago, no one could have imagined what would follow. Jesus’ teachings, his fellowship with the least in his society and the way he stood up to power were revolutionary; he was no mild-mannered figure. Yet what began that night in the stable launched not only a social revolution, but the opportunity for a quiet revolution within our own souls — a revolution against hatred, grief, selfishness, depravity, betrayal, worthlessness, fear, anxiety, anger, pride, self-sufficiency, bitterness and so may other destructive forces. In short, Jesus came to give us peace — with God and within ourselves.

Peace was Jesus’ intention and one of his greatest gifts to us, but we will never know his peace it if we don’t receive it. What good is the most precious and thoughtful gift if it sits under the tree unopened? If you have not accepted Jesus’ gift of salvation, have not allowed the Holy Spirit to change you, or if you have not cast your cares and burdens on him, you have not fully known God’s peace. The good news is that the Lord has come, and his gift of peace is offered to you today and every day! If you have not, will you accept this gift, let Jesus take hold of you and let his peace change you and your world? If you have already taken hold of this gift, recommit today to honoring the Giver by being an instrument of his peace in this fallen and broken world that desperately needs to know its Savior.