Out of the darkest moment in all of creation comes salvation, redemption, and hope. As we read Psalm 51, in light of David’s life circumstances in 2 Samuel 12, we also understand there is a need for healing to occur after the sin and after confession. But where does this healing come from?
Read Matthew 27:45–54.
In the darkest moment of human history, the world turns dark. Jesus is on the cross as the perfect sacrifice and payment for sin. After three hours of darkness on the cross, Jesus cries out to God, “Eli, Eli, Lema Sabachthani? That is my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
If Jesus was indeed the Son of God, how could God have forsaken him? These words can be some of the most confusing in scripture and, at the same time, give a great explanation of how hope can be restored. At that moment, Jesus took on the sin of the world for all eternity, and where there is sin, the holiness of God cannot be. Jesus had to be cut off from communion with God to receive God’s full wrath for the payment of sin.
To further illustrate this, verse 48 says someone dipped a sponge in wine, placed it on a reed, and lifted it to Jesus to offer him a drink. Most believe this reed to be a hyssop branch that was common in the area — the same hyssop branch that we see used in Exodus 12 to dip in the blood of the lamb and put blood over the doorpost at the very first Passover.
The blood of the lamb covered God’s people from the wrath of God in the book of Exodus. The blood of the perfect lamb, Jesus, covers God’s people from the wrath of God today.
In Jesus crying out to God in that darkest moment, and through his resurrection, we are healed. We have access to forgiveness, redemption, and the mercy of God that King David also experienced. Do not be afraid to confess and cry out to God. He has made a way for you to receive his grace and never again receive his wrath.
Take a few minutes and listen to the words of Man of Sorrows by Hillsong.
Cry out to God.